MSCA Ski Coaches Meeting


The Annual Fall Meeting of the Maine High School Ski Coaches  Association will be held Sunday, October 21st at ELHS. The KVAC/MVC coaches will meet at 2:00pm in the library followed by the general meeting at 3:00pm in the band room. This is where most of the scheduling of races occurs, so come prepared with race dates, entry fees, etc. We will meet with both disciplines to talk about common concerns before breaking into separate discipline meetings. We will also be discussing any proposed rule changes for both Nordic and Alpine at this meeting. Any proposed rules will be presented to the MPA which meets the next day.
You must be a paid member to attend the meeting so come prepared to pay your schools dues: $20.00 if your school has both disciplines, $12.00 if they only have one. Please contact Buzz Bean, president of the MSCA, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.
Again the KVAC/MVC Conference coaches meeting is at 2:00pm.  The general state wide ski coaches meeting begins at 3:00pm.