This is super short notice, but having just heard that the Maranacook Wave Race has been cancelled. NENSA invites any athletes that were scheduled to race in Maranacook Wave to race with NENSA at the Black Mountain EasternCup. Registration for this event has closed, but if athletes can emailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 12:30pm today with the following info, we'll get them in. Coaches can also send team lists as long as required info is included. 
Athlete Name
Date of Birth
Race to Enter (Sat, Sun, or both)
NENSA# (if they have one)
USSA & FIS # (if they have one)
Entry fee will be $35 per race regardless of NENSA membership and payment is due at bib pick-up. Here is a link to the event info: