We now turn to the Nordic state champions for our state champion spotlights.  Isabelle Jandreau of Madawaska won the Class C classical and freestyle.  She was also the Aroostook classical and freestyle champion.  We asked her about racing close to home and her favorite season memories. 

1) What were your preparations leading up to the state meet ?

My main focus was to stay healthy and avoid the bug!  Getting outside on skis, drinking plenty of water, getting lots of sleep, and eating loads of pasta with the team was all part of my preparation for states!  
2) How did you deal with the pressure and emotions that come along with competing in a state meet?
 The state meet was only thirty minutes away from home in Fort Kent.  I think racing so close to home and seeing familiar faces made it feel like another regular season race, which really helped with my nerves.  
3) What was going through your mind at the start, especially at the freestyle pursuit?
I knew the course very well and conditions were great so I thought about using that to my advantage.  I focused on having fun, which always results in fast skiing! 
4) You have won a lot of races this season, what do you contribute your great  success to?
Living at the top of Maine has its perks as conditions are always great!  Spending time on skis from the end of November to late April is almost a guarantee.  My team is always having a good time, which makes getting out there in zero degree temps not as difficult.  Having a coach who is just as excited to be out there is great, too. I think all of these things contributed to a successful season! 
5) What are some of your best memories from the past season?
Jumping over frost heaves in the trail with a two-inch base of snow for a week in November was a ton of fun.  
6) What are your plans/goals for next year?
Go into the season well trained, and enjoy my last year of high school skiing.   
7) What are your favorite things about nordic? 
I love the environment of the sport!  There are so many friendly faces at ski meets, and everyone roots for each other.  I also love the physical demand skiing requires. I think anyone who has raced in a meet can confirm there is no better feeling than finishing a race! 
8) What was your reaction when you found out that you won states?
I was pretty excited, but I was more excited when I found out our girls and boys teams were both runners-up.  We had a very young team consisting mainly of first year skiers, so it was awesome to hear we had pulled it off!