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944A1534Teo Steverlynck-Horne of Freeport

NonstopNordic 768x523Nonstop Nordic did not let the terrible winter weather stop Nordic ski racing.  Smells Like Ski Spirit freestyle944A0601Nora McCourt of Mt. Blue Nordic ski race was held today at Quarry Road Trails in Waterville.  It was 3 laps of the 1.8K manmade snow loop.  Nora McCourt of Mt. Blue posed the fastest time for high school girls with a 16:20.7.  Clara White of Orono was second and Maya Kellet of Mt. Blue was third.  Teo Steverlynck-Horne of Freeport had the fastest time for high school boys with a 14:04.8.  Henri McCourt of Mt. Blue was second and Wyatt Stevenson of Maranacook was third.  PHOTO GALLERY  |   COMPLETE RESULTS