We next profile Allison Acritelli of Spruce Mtn. who was the 2017 Class B Slalom state champion.  She helped her team have a big day 2 and came back to win the state championships.  We asked her about her team's big second day, her season goals, and her state meet preparations.

1.) What were your preparations leading up to the state meet?                                        

My preparations leading up to the state meet was to train a lot. I participate at a race camp program at Black Mountain. We train every day during Christmas break then every Saturday and Sunday until the second or third week in March. I also train at Kents Hill with my school team Mondays and Thursdays.                           

2) How did you deal with the pressure and emotions that come along with competing in a state meet?

I feel as though the pressure was pretty low. My emotions with my team was everywhere on the other hand. We were excited just to be racing but also tired from waking up early. We function as a family, not just a team. 

3) What was going through your mind at the starting gate knowing that the conditions were soft and warm?

When I’m in the start gate or getting ready to strip down to just my uni, I am always relaxed. I rarely, if ever get nervous. While I knew the conditions of the snow was soft, I just had to tell myself to ski like I always have and then I will be fine.

4) What are some of your best memories from ski racing this past season?

Well, even though it was basically at the end of the season, my whole team got to ride on the bus with fire trucks escorting us into town after the girls team won the state championship. We were all so happy! All meaning even the boy’s team was happy for us. This never really happens for the ski team, so it was a really exciting thing for all of us to do.

5) What is your favorite part about skiing and ski racing?

My favorite thing about skiing is how thrilling it is - from the start gate until the finish corral. You don't feel like you’re going very fast and then when you get to the bottom and see only 40 seconds has passed, it’s crazy. Another thing that I love is how close I am with my teammates and their parents. Our whole ski team and all of our family members is like one big family.

6) What are your plans for next year?

My plans for next year is to have another fun (senior) year with my team. My plans for my team is to go back to states being confident and excited to race.

7) What were your goals for this season and did you achieve them?  What led to all of your successes?

My goals for this year was to make the state ski team. Another one was to have our girls team come together during states and just have a good week together overall. I did indeed meet my goals, I made the state team and our girls team did come together and we ended up winning the State Championship. What led to my successes was my family always being there for me and my ski family always cheering me on. My dad Bill has coached me for years beside being the SMHS alpine coach for the last two. He has supported my skiing and is ALWAYS proud of me no matter what the outcome.

8) Your team had a huge second day and came back and won the state championships.  What was your and your team's reaction to winning states?

Well, when we were all standing together we didn't think anything of it and then they said that Yarmouth came in 2nd and we were confused but excited at the same time. We then were waiting for them to say the winners and when they Spruce Mountain we all started jumping up and down. We ran and got the trophy. We couldn't have been happier, none of us expected to win this. Everybody had a great 2nd day, some people on the team fell and messed up but in the end we all came together and won as a team. We are all still in shock that we won, we just are so happy and amazed.