With summer approaching fast, so is Maine Winter Sports Center’s summer programming! The summer months are the best time of year to make big improvements in your fitness for the winter, and MWSC wants to help you do just that! We will be hosting Summer Training Groups in Southern, Central, and Northern Maine that will meet 3-4 times a week throughout the summer. We will also be offering 2 Summer Nordic Camps (one from July 6-10, the other from August 10-14) as well as an inaugural Summer Running Camp from July 21-24. To register or view the information sheets on each course go to our calendar at the following link, http://www.mainewsc.org/calendar/. If you have any questions feel free to contact Justin at 207-576-3778 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Looking forward to seeing you on the trails!