ENTRY DEADLINE UPDATE: Entries deadline is extended to Thursday, 8:00pm. Please submit entries by Thursday, Jan. 11th at 8:00pm.
The 2024 Roy Varney Hornet Classic is on Saturday, January 13th MONDAY, JANUARY 15TH at the Maine Outdoor Wellness Center in Turner or at Titcomb. It is a 5K Classical race. The girls start at 10:30am and the boys start at 12:00pm. Entries must be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. using the spreadsheet by Wednesday, Jan. 10th at 8:00pm. Entry fee is $10 per racer with check payable to Leavitt Ski Boosters. Of course, changes to this race including postponement, location change, etc. are all possible so keep checking this website for updates. 2024 RV HORNET CLASSIC RACE INFO | ENTRY SPREADSHEET | VTCM LINK