MHSS Latest Announcements                                                                                                                                                         

Sassi logo2025 Maine Nordic Selection Update  |  2025 Sassi Changed to Freestyle  |  Include Date of Birth in Sassi Entries

The 2025 Sassi Memorial is on Saturday, January 25th at Black Mtn in Rumford.  It is a 5K FREESTYLE classical race with the boys at 11:00am and the girls at 1:00pm.  Entry fee is $13 per racer with check payable to Chisholm Ski Club.  Entries are due by January 22, 8:00pm to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. There will also be the 2025 Maine Nordic team qualifier pursuit on the same day.  It will be a 2.5K freestyle pursuit.  Entry fee for the pursuit is $10 per racer.  The qualifier pursuit race is cancelled.  20 qualifiers for the Maine U16 Nordic team and 20 qualifiers for the Maine EHSC Nordic team will be selected from the Sassi.  QUALIFIER PURSUIT REGISTRATION  |  SASSI RACE/ENTRY INFO  |   MAINE NORDIC TEAM QUALIFIER PURSUIT INFO  |   MAINE EHSC TRIP INFO  |  JUNIOR SASSI INFO  |   BLACK MTN RELEASE FORM