MHSS Latest Announcements                                                                                                                                                         

The Great Caribou Bog Race, scheduled for February 1, 2025, Orono, Maine, is now open for registration, sponsored by the Penobscot Valley Ski Club and sanctioned by NENSA as a Zak club and Marathon race. This is offered in 3 distances; 10k,22k, and 33k. Last year we entered our Orono High school team for the 10 k race,  with athletes registering a very positive experience A description of the race can be found at This is an old community race being opened to high school teams at a reduced cost of $15 per racer. If there are enough high school participants, there is the possibility of a separate wave for this age group. Individuals can register on their own at For the discount for teams (and price may be negotiable), please have a running order in to me by January 25, and no later than the 29th. We can enter the names into ski-reg from there, and payment can be made day of race. Under 18, must have a parental waiver, which I can send electronically to coaches. There is a lodge and facilities on site. For info and/or registration please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Thanks and see you there!