Clara White of Orono
Teams wax on a bluebird dayThe 2024 Roy Varney Hornet Classic was held today at Titcomb Mtn due to snow conditions in Turner. It was a bluebird day with great classical conditions and superb racing on the 2024 state meet course. On the girls side, Nora McCourt of Mt. Blue was the race winner with a time of 18:15.1. In second place was Clara White of Orono with a time of 18:57.0. In third place was Ruth White also of Orono with a time of 19:04.7. The Mt. Blue girls were the top team with Yarmouth in second. On the boys side, Teo Steverlynck-Horne of Freeport was the race winner with a time of 15:51.9. Henri McCourt of Mt. Blue was second with a time of 15:57.7. In third place was Ben Wall of Greely with a time of 16:55.3. The Leavitt boys were the top team with Yarmouth in second place. PHOTO GALLERY | RESULTS