The 2024 MPA Ski State Meets are coming up.  The Class A Alpine State Meet is February 14-15 at Pleasant Mtn.  The Class B Alpine State Meet is February 14-15 at Black Mtn.  The Class A, B, C Nordic State Meet is February 19-20 at Titcomb Mtn.  The MPA STATE MEET INFO PAGE is being updated frequently with important information.  Be sure to keep checking it for updated info.  

Added 2/19/24: Class A, B, C Nordic Freestyle Pursuit Start Lists

Added 2/19/24: Class A, B, C Nordic Live-Timing

Added 2/17/24: Class A, B, C Nordic Classical Start Lists

Added 2/14/24: Class A Slalom Start Orders & Live-Timing

Added 2/13/24: Class A Giant Slalom Start Orders  |   Updated Class B Alpine GS & SL Start Orders  |  Class A & B Alpine Live-timing Links 

Added 2/11/24:  Class B Alpine GS & SL Start Orders

Added 2/7/24: MPA Alpine Memo & MPA Nordic Memo

Added 1/26/24:  Nordic state meet course map

Added 1/24/24:  Alpine State Meet schedules, Nordic State Meet schedules, Nordic info from Titcomb Mtn LOC