At this point it looks unlikely, but if the state meets "A" or "B" are postponed due to inclement weather. The "ESHC Shootout" at Black Mountain on Sunday 2/20/22 will still happen and become an open event. The shootout will take place as scheduled, but any athlete who competed this year in at least two GS and two slalom races during the regular season, may attend the shootout. The run order will be created adhering to the following criteria:
1st group of seeds- Athletes who have been members of the Maine team in the past.
2nd group of seeds- Athletes who qualified to attend the shootout in the past.
3rd group of seeds- All other athletes will be randomized according to their school. If there are multiple athletes in that category from one school they will be randomized within their school.
Again, at this point it looks like the state meets will be able to go off as scheduled, but we would like coaches to send Bob Arsenault "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. " at Black mountain a list of athletes who would like to attend the shootout by Thursday 2/16/22 8:00 PM. This is being done as a preemptive measure. Please only coaches should email Bob Arsenault. No athletes please!