
The skiing for the Chenard Memorial/ MTA Opener should be excellent for Saturday! Right now the conditions are super: corduroy with good cover. The course will be one lap around the race loop.  It's


Moved to Stark's Hill in Fryeburg.  CLICK HERE for the update.

The Leavitt Hornet Classic is on Saturday, January 10 at Leavitt.  It is a 5K classical race, boys start at 10:30am and girls start at

The Billy Chenard/MTA Opener will be held Saturday, Dec. 20th at the Sugarloaf Outdoor Center. This is the longest running nordic ski race in Maine and is a great opportunity to get on snow. The

Telstar High School is pleased to host the Telstar Relays this year on January 3, 2015. The first race will start at 11am. Relay teams will consist of 4 skiers, with the order being boy, girl, boy,

Quarry Road Opener / Zak Cup Update:
Yesterday's warmth hit us very hard.  There is coverage at Quarry Road but right now it is quite rough and grooming will mix in rocks.  
Our plan is to graciously accept

With a week to go, both Saturday's Colby Clinic (for juniors and masters) and Sunday's Quarry Road Opener / Zak Cup are on!

Thanksgiving delivered 10-12" of natural snow on the Quarry Road courses

Looking for Part-Time Community Nordic Coach for the Bethel, ME Outing Club.  Responsibilities include leading Bill Koch youth programs, coordinating and supporting activities and events with nordic teams


New start times: CLICK HERE The 2015 Sassi Memorial is on Saturday, January 31 at Black Mtn.  It is a 5K Classical with boys starting at 12:00pm and girls starting at 2:00pm.  Entries are due by

Carter's XC Ski Center is holding a team night and Wax Clinic at the Oxford location on Nov 20th at 4:30.
They will have great gear at  low Team Pricing! They will also be hosting a Wax Clinic with
The annual Greely Ski Swap/Sale will be held from 9am to 1pm on Saturday Dec. 6th at the Greely High School in
Cumberland.  New and Used equipment, snowboards, clothing and accessories will be there. 
Rodgers Ski